Getting My Sexy Back

Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm back

I haven't been posting because I was away on vacation and prior to that I've been extremely busy at work.

It appears that I'm back in the game, I just weighted myself 143.5! Who goes on vacation and drops off lbs? I'm happy, I just need to put some effort in to getting out of the 140s.

Today's my birthday but there's no cake involved, so I should be fine.

On another note, vacation was great, lovely weather but I couldn't go to the beach because all the beaches were closed due to extremely rough seas - bummer. I'll be back there in late August so maybe then, I can go to the beach.

Well that's all folks, I'll write more soon.


Kristen said...

Glad to see you're still at it. If you can lose on vacation, then you should be out of the 140's in no time :)

Rob Tucker said...

Yikes! I'm just getting to this blog to comment and missed your birthday on March 31. That's my birthday too - happy belated!