Getting My Sexy Back

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What the heck ?

This morning was hard, I tried very hard to get the momentum going but it was a struggle. I started with a nice weight routine in the basement - warm up - good, upper body weights -doing fine but towards the end of the upper body session I struggled. I got on the treadmill to perform a couple of HIIT sessions but I couldn't run, my legs were like lead weights. I walked for ten minutes then I tried to do the lower body weight session but my hamstrings were killing me! I stopped again! I got really pissed, what the hell? I tried to get going again, oh, I don't know I ummh needed to take a bathroom break. By now I'm *&#&% mad because I want to get through the *^#*$%#@ session already!

Anyhow, I came back downstairs and cursed like a sailor all through the lower body session, yep- I finished the bloody weight routine but I really could not walk or run this morning.

All in all, weight loss is a b*&%h and you have to fight, curse what ever to push beyond those (&$#@& obstacles. Even as I arrived at my office this morning, I want to get a scone from Starbucks????!?!?! Why? I'm still upset from this morning, I need (or I think I need ) a piece of fluffy, sugary, carb to soothe me. ???? What am I thinking?

I gotta go folks, it's time for another cup of green tea.


Rob Tucker said...

Sometimes these days happen - you did good by fighting through it anyway, and avoiding the Scone. You did avoid the Scone, right?

Julie said...

Yes, I avoided the scone but not the tuna melt.

Ripx180 said...

I have totally been feeling like this whenever I muster up enough motivation to workout. Everything seems to be a struggle right now for me. It made me smile and feel better to know there is another FAT Coal member who is kind of going through the same thing.

Melissa said...

Wow do we live the same life? lol Good job fighting through the workout..its much easier to just quit but you prevailed. :)