Getting My Sexy Back

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My how time flew . . .

I can hardly believe it has been two weeks since I've blogged.

Work and studies have been a real challenge, I feel like I have so many balls in the air and I'm hustling to keep everything airborne.

I'm sitting on my bed right now trying to recover from this evening's work out session - third this week. Honestly, my butt hurts - literally! Lastnight I did one of those step work outs and tonight I did weights and a bit of treadmill work on an incline - so you get the picture major work on hammys, quads and the back-end. Whew, I've showered and had a bit of protein shake but I'm still feeling twitchy.

Presently, work and studies are priorities but I'm carving out time to workout because I figure I can at least maintain where I am until June and/or things slow down a bit at work. I think at this point it is best to keep stress levels down and focus on the nearer term goals for now.

That's all folks, I'll try to post weekly since I find this process very cathartic.


Geoff said...

Definitely keep us up to date, even if you're not doing so hot. The motivation you'll find here is priceless.

I know what you mean about the butt hurting, I did 50 walking lunges (+ a crapload of other stuff) the other day and my legs are toast :)

Rob Tucker said...

Good to see you cranking it out. You're going strong. Keep us updated on how you're doing!

Julie said...

Thanks for the encouragement, you guys are the best!!!!