Getting My Sexy Back

Friday, February 1, 2008

Starting Over . . . sort of

I haven't been posting lately but I have been keeping an eye on things (i.e eating clean and exercising). I'm not 100% back to where I was on 1/20 but I'm much, much better than last week.

I'm doing the weekly weigh in on the Coalition's forum. I posted 145.5 today but TOM maybe obscuring the true number.

I don't have much to report, except that it's good to be back and I'm working on some fabulous numbers for February. I have seven (7) weeks before vacation so I have enough time to shed lots of fat, lbs and inches.

Go Giants!


Rob Tucker said...

Only one way to get good numbers in February - put that time in.

Btw, are you Islandgrl? I was wondering who that was :P

Julie said...

Yes, that's me - Julie (aka islandgyrl)

Melissa said...

Where are you going on vacation? Vacations are always a great motivator. Im ready to put in a few good weeks since Ill be going to Tampa at the end of the month. I have to get in a bathing suit. ouch!

Lets get it done this month!We can do this :)

Julie said...

I'm heading to the Caribbean to visit family and friends again. It helps when you don't have to pay for food, a car and a room.

Luv it!

I have 7 weeks before the trip . . . I want to drop 10 - 12 lbs. Since it's going to be around my birthday, and I'm having a party I want to look extra fabulous.

Wish me luck. Hey Melissa, keep up the good work and that swim suit will not be a problem.