Getting My Sexy Back

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Baby Steps

Hi All,

I just got done texting with a friend of mine who is also interested in changing her body. We're both in agreement with taking baby steps in order to achieve our goals. Since I've missed only my vacation week of exercise, I still have relatively good endurance and strength but for my friend, it's been a while since she moved a muscle.

I firmly believe, to get to the ultimate body you have to start where you are- for some that may mean a brisk 10 minute walk or limiting the bits of chocolate you're eating everynight . . . you've just got to start.

My goals over the next two weeks: 4 litres of water Monday to Friday; 5 litres Saturday and Sunday; consistent a.m exercise 6 days per week, rest on Sunday and as I mentioned earlier, 7lb weight loss for January.

My comments are brief today but hopefully meaningful.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I totally agree! Baby steps are defintely the way to go...if we try to much at once than we get burnt out.

Welcome to FAT :)