Getting My Sexy Back

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Two Week Blitz - Day 1

Today I started a two week body blitz, to really focus on eating clean and putting in consistent exercise time. Unfortunately for me, I caught a cold yesterday and I'm somewhat distracted by the symptoms - sneezing, coughing, runny nose, the usual stuff but I'm trying to push through. In fact, today was not bad at all, there were times when I wanted to go off plan but I just tried to refocus on what I'm hoping to accomplish.

In terms of what I'm doing, I've decided to eat clean but drop fruit for the next two weeks to see if I can melt off a few extra lbs, preferably five. Essentially, it's a high protein eating program with carbs from veggies only, it's very similar to the first two weeks of the SB diet. Additionally, I'm drinking up to five liters of water including huge cups of green tea, no milk, no sugar ( I think that counts). I'm continuing to work out 6 days per week with 3 HIITs during the week - I want to add an extra HIIT but I'll have to see how I feel because sometimes low-carbing can cause some people to be less energetic.

This morning, I took some tape measurements of my body and I have to admit, I'm not happy, too many body parts in the thirties - hips are in the high thirties, upper and lower abs are in the lower to mid thirties - not good at all. Although my arms and shoulders are coming along nicely!

I want a 34 inch hip and a 26 inch waist and slim thighs - don't most women, so I need to drop about 3 to 4 inches from my hips and several inches from my stomach. I divided up my goals into chunks - I need to lose about 15lbs by March 22nd before I go on vacation and the remaining 8 or so lbs by Memorial Day.

I'm not sure how many people read my blog but can anyone recommend a good at home dvd for strenght training, I'm going to change my routine in the next few weeks so I'm looking around for a new program.

Wish me luck and courage for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ripx180 said...

I am sure the low carbing will help you trim off a few more pounds a little faster. Like most things in life if you have a plan and stick to it you will be successful.