Getting My Sexy Back

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Do I argue . . .

Should I question the scale? I don't know but today I don't want to . . .

I know in my last blog I wanted to see 143 lbs - at least, please let me see it, well I didn't but I'm not bummed out because right there on my scale in huge numbers (drum roll please) 142.5!
What no 143.7, no 143.238, I don't know but I'm liking the new number, I'm going with it for now.

I am not feeling all that great, still got the cold symptoms, but I'm heading down to the basement for a workout session, I want to make sure that number holds or drops. It looks like I'm well on my way to making that 7 lb goal. (I'm skeptical, is this really happening?!?!)

A couple of things worked for me yesterday - here's the big tip:PREPARATION, I prepared lots of veggies and protein yesterday. I had lots of food and a variety of things to eat so I didn't stray, although I was tempted to get some nuts or something. I cannot wait to add back fiber cereal, low glycemic fruit and protein shakes. I have nine more days for this blitz. I wonder if I can drop another four lbs???

I'll keep this short - I want to see 130's by February! I want to drop several inches from my stomach and hips- I'll take anything in the 20s for my stomach and 35 or 36 for my hips- for now, nothing would make me happier! I want the changes to stick. Could there be some skinny jeans in my future?

Wish me luck.

Update: So, I didn't work out this morning, I fell asleep from 11-ish to 3 pm!

I tried to work out tonight, just after 7pm, I did the warm up session but that's all I could manage. I think this cold has me down so we'll see how I progress. On a brighter note, I am still eating well and drinking lots of water and green tea.

I'm worried, I didn't feel up to working out yesterday either, that's two days in a row. I'll try again tomorrow morning.


Melissa said...

Looks like we have the same goal for February :)

I find the only way to be sucessful is to be prepared! Good job doing that while your under the weather, not an easy thing to do! Hope your feeling better soon!

Ripx180 said...

Totally agree with your assessment on the plan. You got to have one if you want to succeed. Do try to mentally power through you workout. You need that too. Even if its not 100% you will feel better getting it done.